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The name Kodak was once synonymous with cameras and film. They were innovators in the industry and the leaders of it for 100 years with 90%+ market share. They went bankrupt, but why?

Video News Story:

After The 'Kodak Moment'
The name Kodak was once synonymous with cameras and film. They were innovators in the industry and the leaders of it for 100 years with 90%+ market share. They went bankrupt, but why?

Yet a few years ago Kodak experienced such a decline that they were forced into bankruptcy.

This video explores the decline of Kodak and attempts to explain what happened to them. 


Jonathan Gumpangkum

well. i guess you could say that Kodak had its moment...

Tyler Fletcher

I'm currently working at a small commercial darkroom. We rely heavily on Kodak chemistry, which to this day is still some of the cheapest (if not the cheapest) around.

True as it is that Kodak failed to adapt - one thing they did not do, and so far have not done, is neglect their base.

To this day they are still pumping out the chemicals that you would find in nearly every darkroom around the world. They have made huge sacrifices to be able to provide what little of their product is still in demand.


How could you be one of the most profitable photography film companies in the world, invent and patent digital photography and still go bankrupt?

Brian-Marc Whittaker

I still buy Kodak film to his day and enjoy motion pictures filmed on Kodak film. I hope it stays.


Depressing, mis-management on a colossal scale, their engineers were ahead of the competition the board seems to been stuck in the past.


This is what happens when you refuse to innovate and are stuck in the past. That's where Blackberry is now. Microsoft finally realized this, too, and are now trying to innovate as well.

Mai Ho

Feel pretty sad as I grew up with Kodak films ... Good luck to you all.


Great history of Kodak company!

Aamir Bilal

The evil expressions of an evil management are visible at 1:18. That smug smile on this evil face.

Rebeca Mcenroe

The founder killed him self in bed with a gun I live in Rochester New York that’s were Kodak is

Ahmed samy El-Chantaf

Its so sad to see like these big companies going down but this is how life works

'Video Producer : Staff-Editor-02

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