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On Saturday May 4th 2019, people all over the world gathered to 'March for Science', and Port Macquarie was part of the global action.

Mainpaper News Story:

PortMac 'Marches For Science'
On Saturday May 4th 2019, people all over the world gathered to 'March for Science', and Port Macquarie was part of the global action.

The March for Science is a global nonpartisan event bringing together people from all walks of life who believe we need more evidence and reason in our political process.

The event supports the public discovery, distribution, and understanding of scientific knowledge as crucial to the freedom, success, health, and safety of life on this planet.

On Saturday May 4th marchers in Australia celebrated science as a pillar of human freedom and prosperity; and calling for increased government action in the areas of universal literacy, open communication of science, science-based policy and stable investment in science.

Other Australian cities taking part included Perth, Adelaide, Townsville, Melbourne and Canberra.

"We're inviting science advocates, educators, scientists, concerned citizens and fans of science to come together this weekend in a non-partisan event, because science belongs to everyone. It plays a vital role in everybody's everyday lives." said one of the local event organizers, Dr Angela Frimberger.

"As a society, we're among the safest and healthiest people who have ever lived – thanks to scientists! The work of scientists is all around us and makes life better for billions of people every day. It shouldn't be supressed, devalued, undermined or defunded; but should be robustly funded, pursued, and publicly communicated for the benefit of all people and for the health of the environment we depend upon."

After marching in Rotary Park, participants gathered at the Port Macquarie Astronomical Observatory for discussions about the 'March for Science' mission. Talks focused on the subject of inspiring the next generation of scientists, and featured a presentation by local Science & STEM teacher, aquanaut and adventurer Lloyd Godson.

The post-March discussions were excellent, and even on a wet, cold Saturday we had 40+ people attending (Photo below - Deputy Mayor Lisa Intemann speaking to the group). There were a handful of people who attended the march who weren't able to stay for the discussions, and vice-versa, and the numbers roughly evened out.

For more information email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Global Website : https://www.marchforscience.com

'News Story' Author : Staff-Editor-02

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