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It is one of Australia's best known birds, but experts now agree that the rainbow lorikeet is actually six different species.

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Source : PortMac.News | Citizen | News Story:

Australia's number one bird split into 6 different species
It is one of Australia's best known birds, but experts now agree that the rainbow lorikeet is actually six different species.

The change has been a long time coming, but editor of Australian BirdLife Magazine, Sean Dooley, said the official lists, or taxonomies, of bird species were all in agreement.

"It's really only in the last couple of years [that] all of the major taxonomies, including the one that BirdLife Australia follows, which is from BirdLife International, have had another look at all of the different populations of rainbow lorikeets in Australia and New Guinea and the Islands to the north," Mr Dooley said.

"They've realised that there are not just two different species, [but] that there are at least six different species, so Australia now has three types of rainbow lorikeets."

Australia's number one bird

Australia has some iconic bird species, from kookaburras to cockatoos, magpies to rosellas, finches to falcons.

But when Australians were asked to record the birds in their backyards, one species ruled them all.

"Through the BirdLife Australia's Aussie Backyard Bird Count each year, [which] we've done for six years now, the rainbow lorikeet has been the number one bird recorded right across the country," Mr Dooley said.

"A lot of people find that fantastic because they're native birds and they're incredibly beautiful.

"However, they're not such a popular bird in Perth or Hobart where they've actually been introduced."

If you have ever taken the time to watch rainbow lorikeets you will know they are the overbearing, extroverted, somewhat manic and hard-to-bear life of the party.

It is no surprise that they primarily eat sugar in the form of nectar from flowers when you see them rocketing through your garden at 60 kilometres per hour, shrieking raucously.

And it is not just a perception — rainbow lorikeets literally overwhelm other birds.

"The rainbow lorikeet in south-west Western Australia shouldn't be there," Mr Dooley said.

"There is a great concern that the numbers are growing ... and they're actually pushing out some of the local indigenous parrots."

Such is their vigour, rainbow lorikeets will even go head-to-head with some of Australia's worst pest birds.

"In a lot of areas where the common myna (also known as the Indian myna) used to predominate in traditional suburbs in Melbourne and Sydney, when rainbow lorikeets move in they often end up out-bullying those bullies," he said.

No more in the north:

There is one force that has pushed back the rainbow lorikeet's dominance of Australia.

The splitting of the species by bird experts has erased the name 'rainbow lorikeet' from the north of Western Australia and the Northern Territory.

"They've officially disappeared from the north, from the Kimberley and the Top End," Mr Dooley said.

"All the bird experts recognise it as an entirely different species to the one you get in the rest of Australia."

Instead of rainbow lorikeets, you will now find red-collared lorikeets in this part of Australia.

They have the same effervescent personality and attention-seeking habits, but as they name suggests, their collar is red, not green.

"Some of the early taxonomists in the early 1900s did call it a red-collared lorikeet, and said it was a separate species, and then they were voted down," Mr Dooley said.

"So for almost a century it wasn't regarded as a distinct species.

"It's only been the last few years that pretty much all the major taxonomic bodies and taxonomists in the world have agreed that yes, after looking at all the evidence, they're definitely a distinct species."

What was formerly known as a rainbow lorikeet in Australia's Torres Strait Islands is now called the coconut lorikeet.

"It's very similar to the rainbow lorikeet, but it's a bit darker on the belly, and a bit paler blue on the head," Mr Dooley said.

"The other three species are from populations on islands in Indonesia and New Guinea that have managed to evolve long enough from the original populations."

New Guinea and eastern Indonesia now have the scarlet-breasted lorikeet, the marigold lorikeet, and the Flores lorikeet.

Splitting species:

While the rainbow lorikeet has been erased from parts of the country, Mr Dooley admits the change is yet to really catch on with most Australians.

"It might be a long time before it's generally accepted as red-collared, rather than rainbow," he said.

"Rainbow is a bit more imaginative and inspiring, I guess."

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