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Weekend Feature:

    Summer Of Love '67: The focus was San Francisco, where young people travelled to from across America and beyond
'Summer of Love' - as an expression, refers generally to the 'Summer of 1967', not so much because that was the year which saw the birth of a revolutionary new movement, but rather because that was the year when the media 'Discovered' then zoomed in on the Hippy phenomenon.

Hippies, the underground alternative youth culture movement that had been brewing in America and Europe for several years hit the headlines for the first time in the summer of 1967.

The focus was San Francisco, where young people travelled from across America and beyond, attracted by the promise of the chance to cast off conservative social values and experiment with drugs and sex.

Many came for the Monterey Pop Festival, the world's first such major event, which Scott McKenzie's San Francisco ('If you're going to San Francisco...') was originally designed to promote.

In fact the song became a Summer of Love anthem, reaching number four in the US charts but number one in Britain.

Hippy culture embraced foreign travel as a means to find oneself and communicate with others, and the first backpackers set off on what became known as the 'hippy trail', through Europe and the Middle East to India.

They hitchhiked, travelled by public transport or used revamped double-decker buses and camper vans, always living as cheaply as possible.

Why did it happen then?

A new generation of bohemians had developed through the early 1960s, partly led by the Beat Generation of poets and writers such as Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg, but the counterculture came to a head that year.

The Human Be-In rally in San Francisco on 14 January is considered the starting point.

Beat Generation speakers and poets gathered in Golden Gate Park to celebrate key ideas of the 1960s rebellion: communal living, political decentralisation, environmental awareness and 'dropping out'.

Jefferson Airplane played and LSD was distributed amongst the crowds when a power failure led to a break in the music.

The Haight-Ashbury district, where dissaffected student groups gathered, became the focal point of hippy counterculture, and 100,000 young people arrived there over the summer.

The local council supposedly came up with the title 'Summer of Love' to put a positive spin on the druggy, hairy, hippy gatherings that were portrayed negatively by the media.

Psychedelic music had its moment too: the Beatles' Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band was released on 1 June, and other key albums included Jimi Hendrix's Are You Experienced?, Cream's Disraeli Gears, Pink Floyd's Piper at the Gates of Dawn, and the eponymous album from the Doors.

How did it end

By the autumn, everything had soured and a dark side distorted the hippies' hopeful aspirations.

The movement had become a commercialised media spectacle - and a bit of a mess. The realities of 'dropping out' hit home: 'free love' was used to excuse rape, thousands suffered from serious drug addiction and mental problems, or became homeless.

San Francisco was overrun with dealers and teenage runaways, and the Haight-Ashbury scene deteriorated through overcrowding, homelessness and crime.

Many of the originators of the scene fled elsewhere and in October a mock funeral, the 'Death of the Hippy' ceremony, was held by some of those that remained.

Realising that peace and love couldn't sustain them forever, most of the hippies eventually had to go back to university or get a job, although some found ways to continue their alternative lifestyles at home or abroad.

For most, though, the Utopian dream had come to an end, only the media mania lived on. 

Monterrey Pop Festival 1967 - 40 Years On

The Trip - 1967

Peter Fonda stars as a young television director experimenting with LSD and who embarks on a mind-expanding trip that causes him to reevaluate his life.

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This psychedelic drama is best known for the involvement of numerous future stars, including Jack Nicholson, who serves here as screenwriter.

The Trip is a counterculture-era psychedelic film released by American International Pictures, directed by Roger Corman, written by Jack Nicholson, and shot on location in and around Los Angeles, including on top of Kirkwood in Laurel Canyon, Hollywood Hills, and near Big Sur, California in 1967.

Peter Fonda stars as a young television commercial director named Paul Groves.

Paul Groves takes his first dose of LSD while experiencing the heartbreak and ambivalence of divorce from his beautiful but adulterous wife (Susan Strasberg).

He starts his trip with a "guide," John (Bruce Dern), but runs away and abandons him out of fear.

Experiencing repetitive visions of pursuit by dark hooded figures mounted on black horses, Paul sees himself running across a beach.

As Paul experiences his trip, he wanders around the Sunset Strip, into nightclubs, and the homes of strangers and acquaintances. Paul considers the roles played by commercialism, sex, the role of women in his life.

He meets a young woman, Glenn (Salli Sachse), who is interested in people who take LSD. Having learned from Paul recently that he would be taking LSD, she has been looking out for him. Max (Dennis Hopper) plays a role as another friendly guide to his trip.

Glenn drives Paul to her Malibu beach house, where they make erotic love, interspersed in his mind with a kaleidoscopic riot of abstract images intercut with visions of pursuit on a beach, a scene that is a sly homage to Ingmar Bergman's film, The Seventh Seal (1957).

Driven into the surf by his pursuers, Paul turns and faces both of them, and they reveal themselves to be his wife and Glenn.

As the sun rises, Paul returns to his normal state of consciousness now transformed by the trip and steps out to the balcony to get some fresh air.

Glenn asks him whether his first LSD experience was constructive. Paul defers his answer to "tomorrow."

His face is frozen in close-up, and his image cracks like glass through an animation special effect.

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