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Unknown strain of bird flu has been detected at VIC egg farm

Bird flu has been detected at a Victorian egg farm, plunging it into lockdown as authorities urgently investigate the strain as Vic-Ag investigates a number of poultry deaths.

Source : PortMac.News | Independent :

Source : PortMac.News | Independent | News Story:

Unknown strain of bird flu has been detected at VIC egg farm
Bird flu has been detected at a Victorian egg farm, plunging it into lockdown as authorities urgently investigate the strain as Vic-Ag investigates a number of poultry deaths.

News Story Summary:

Agriculture Victoria says it is investigating a number of poultry deaths at an egg farm near Meredith, located about 40km northwest of Geelong.

“Preliminary tests have confirmed the presence of the avian influenza virus,” chief veterinary officer Graeme Cooke said on Wednesday.

“Agriculture Victoria is responding with staff on the ground supporting the business with further laboratory investigations as necessary.”

Virulent strain H5N1 clade, prevalent in Asia, has not yet been detected in Australia, the Department of Agriculture said.

Wild birds are the natural host for the disease and it can spread.

Chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, guinea fowl, quail, pheasants, emus and ostriches are most susceptible to being affected by avian influenza.

All bird species are thought to be susceptible to the deadly H5N1, which has also been detected in more than 50 mammal species, including humans.

Infected people have observed mild symptoms or have been asymptomatic but some have experienced severe illness.

Authorities have reassured the public that eggs and poultry products in supermarkets do not pose a risk and are safe to consume.

People cannot become infected by consuming cooked chicken meat or eggs, Agriculture Victoria said.

Bird owners have been reminded to keep enclosures clean, quarantine new bids before integrating them with existing flocks, ensure footwear is clean and to always wash hands before and after handling birds or eggs.

Cooke urged poultry farmers, backyard flock and bird owners to report unexplained bird deaths to the Emergency Animal Disease Hotline or their local vet.

The risk to Australia has increased following outbreaks of the H5N1 strain worldwide and the annual migration of wild birds remains a risk for Australian species.

There have been nine outbreaks of highly pathogenic bird flu in Australian farms between 1976 and 2021.

The most recent was in 2020 and 2021, where three strains of bird flu were detected at six Victorian poultry farms.

Source | AAP

'News Story' Summary By : Staff-Editor-02

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